

“珍”字的字义有: 一、珍贵的含义,作形容词; 二、指珠宝,也指珠玉雕成的器物,还可以引申为珍惜或宝贵的东西,多用于抽象的事物,如瑰宝等词语; 三、指古代的一种佩玉,又指玉器,引申意为玉石制成的器物。 珍的读音是zhēn,部首是王部,属上下结构汉字,笔画数有9画。

根据康熙字典显示,「珍」字在《说文》中解释道:「宝也,从玉,真声。」由此可知古时候人们把珍宝都称为「珍」。 在现代汉语中,我们使用这一词汇时往往含有珍贵、宝贵之意。例如:珍爱(珍视)、奇珍异宝、珍禽异兽……


1.“宝玉,又叫作珍物或宝贝[treasure]”“The word ‘tao’ in Taoism is sometimes used as a substitute for the Chinese character for “jade”, which has been chosen to represent it because of its precious and beautiful connotations, ” (Laufer 31) 2.“她喜欢珍珠和宝石首饰[precious stones jewellery]”“She loves pearls and gem-studded jewellery,”(OED)


珍:爱惜﹑爱护[protect]“Her name was Jin Zhen, but after she came to live with him he always called her by that pet name. She had a sweet and gentle nature and they got along very well together. Although he could not remember his own mother from early childhood, this little girl whom he took into his home as if by right[it belonged to him]was all the mother he ever knew or cared about.He loved her dearly[loved her tenderly���and would protect her against any harm no matter what it cost him. That is why he refused even to think seriously of letting anyone take her away from him now,”((Bamboo Leaf Paper 84)” 珍:珍贵[valuable]“I want you t o be careful when we travel abroad,for I have some valuable possessions with me,”(Gone With The Wind 560) 珍:珍视[cherish]“As an old friend told me recently, my great strength is to cherish things deeply without holding on,”(New Yorker June 7th, 2009 Issue )


读[zhen]四声。比如金庸,原名查良镛,金庸是他的笔名之一,取自“金庸先生本姓名查良镛”的首字。 相关词汇


这个问题,我是在2018年5月写的答案了。。。 现在是2023年了! 不知道还有没有这个字的人吗? 在《康熙字典》里查的“珍”字,五行的解释还是金啊,土啊什么的。 这个字的五行属性是属金的吧~ 从这里看,应该算金吧; 但从字形上看呢,上边是“王”字旁,下边是一个“真”字,中间的字应该是“玉”字。 所以,我认为这个字的五行应该是水火木吧…… 现在再来看这个问题。 “问一下关于名字的一个问题”“求教”这两个话题都是百度知道上的问题,时间是2019-6-4和2019-7-27 我个人觉得,这些内容都说明一个问题——汉字中有很多字,它们的偏旁部首都不是它们本来的偏旁部首。 在古汉语和古文文献研究中的“形声”二字就是形容这种情况的。(比如,很多现代文字学书籍谈到“形声”时都会引用“形声相益明”——意思是形声两个字同时出现的时候,那个字的读音才能确定下来) 而我们现在的小学课本里面教的这些字,基本上已经是非常简化了的,简化的结果就是把那些原来的偏旁部首给删掉了。比如说一个“真”变成了“示+文=真”。
