

我是看了《神探夏洛克》中,夏洛克对艾琳说过的“You are under arrest - for murder”然后想到的这个问题…… 为什么是“under arrest”而不是“arrested”呢?为什么是“for murder”而不是“murdering”呢?

“The police are detaining him on suspicion of murder. ” “I was arrested for the murder of my wife”“We have reason to believe that he may be responsible for these murders. We're bringing him in for questioning.” “He is being held pending further investigation into these crimes.” 这些表达都可以表示“因为XXX而被捕/拘留”的意思。但是区别在哪里呢?

在英语里,表示“被捕/拘留”可以使用be detained, arrest或者hold这几种动词。但是它们的使用范围是有差别的。 具体怎么区分呢?一般来说,arrest表示正式逮捕(正式的刑事指控),而detention和hold都倾向于指非正式的逮捕或扣留;另外,arrest的对象通常是犯有重罪的人,而detention和hold的对象轻罪重罪都有可能。

但以上这些词语的意义都有点抽象,不容易理解。我们来看几个具体的例子。 He was arraigned on charges of murder. 他被指控谋杀。 The suspect was arrested as he tried to flee the country. 嫌疑人试图出逃,因此被捕。 警方透露,这名男子涉嫌绑架和杀人而被拘留。 Police have detained a man in connection with last week's stabbing incident. 警方就上周的那起刺伤事件拘留了一名男子。 警方称,一名20岁的男子因盗窃被逮捕并被监禁30天。


Police say they suspect the 18-year-old of involvement in a string of robberies across the state. 警方称,他们怀疑这名18岁年轻人参与了全州一系列抢劫案。 除了上面这些,还有几种表达也可以表示“由于XXX而被捕/拘留”。比如:

in custody 因为犯了XXX而被囚禁/拘留

on trial 因为犯有XXX而被起诉

due to 由于...的判决

following an accusation of 基于XXX的控告

